Born on August 23, 2004

Sent: Thursday, May 18, 2006
Subject: Hello!
Hi Fredericka!
My name is Corinne Jones. My husband and I got our baby American Mastiff, Vinny, from you in October of 2004. Vinny was born on August 23, 2004 Vinny is doing great! We can’t imagine our life without him. He is such a great companion and we did doggy obedience so he is very well mannered. We take him with us almost everywhere we go, so he LOVES car rides. We even purchased a larger vehicle to make sure he is comfortable (a midsize SUV). 🙂 We made sure to socialize him young so he is great around other dogs.
Little dogs love him and he even lays down to play so he is at their height. It is so cute. Every one who meets him falls in-love with him. He is so great and he has even been around kids more recently and does well with them. When we go for our walks he loves seeing other people and dogs. They definitely are the gentle giant and I want to say thank-you for allowing us to adopt this wonderful addition to our home. We recently moved to Virginia from Washington state and are thinking of adopting another dog in the near future. We would like to get in touch with you when the time is right and discuss getting another puppy from a future litter.
Attached is a photo so you can see our handsome boy. It’s a picture of Vinny on the front porch. We love sitting on our screened in front porch and enjoying the lovely spring days.
Take Care,
Mike and Corinne Jones