Tank ATank A & Lucy

Tank is the son of Neil and Allie (Brindle)      Lucy is the Fawn Female

Subject: Tanks bday and update on Lucy
Date: Sun, 30 Oct 2011
From: James A and Sonny

Good Morning Fredericka .Lucy and Family,
Wow Tank turned 6! I cant believe that I have had him for 6 years, it just doesn’t seem possible.You have heard this from all your clients before but thank you for such a wonderful dog.

Lucy is doing just fine, we have had her for a year and a half now, and she is fitting in perfectly. She has filled out beautifully and is as big as Tank now ( see the picture of them next to each other). I have enclosed a few new pictures to let you see how beautiful Lucy has become. She is a wonderful dog very sweet; thank you for them both I do not know what I would do without them

Jim and Sonny

A close up of a dog 's face with its head turned to the side.

Sent: Tuesday, November 30, 2010 5:35 PM
Subject: Re: Lucy A.

Hi Lucy,
Happy Holidays! Hope you and everyone else there is doing well. I wanted to send a few photos of Lucy and to let you know how well she’s doing. I don’t think we could love her any more than we do. She is just such a joy! Thank you so much for such a lovely lady.

Sonny and Jim

Sent: Monday, May 24, 2010
DOG; Lucy

Good afternoon Lucy
I am writing to let you know how the little lady is doing. Well lets just say its been a week and she is doing amazing. She is sweet to every dog she meets. We have taken her on long walks and to the dog park and she has met quite a few dogs and she is friendly and inquisitive. She comes when we call most times and she is a joy in the house. Tank and Mae Lingh mostly ignore her and we differ to both Lingh and Tank before we say hi to Lucy. She is a smart and funny dog. We love her. There are some pictures of Sunday morning in the park under the George Washington Bridge with her new pack Tristan and Merlin the twin Irish Wolf Hounds you can see how much fun she was having running with the boys.


Sent: Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Subject: Re: Lucy

Miss Lucy
Yes, we made it home safe got in about 12:30 took Tank and Mae Lingh and Freda out of apartment and took the park. Sonny took her into the house to smell it then he brought her over to the park and introduced her to the gang one at a time Lingh going first. no problem even had tail wagging from both girls Tank came on a little too strong and fast and she let him know to back off after that they ignored each other. Got them all back to the house and gave them food and water she has explored the house and she and found the yard has been in and out about 4 times in an hour so far better than I thought here are the pictures from today.

Thank you, will keep you posted
Email soon

A dog and cat sitting on the floor of a living room.

Sent: Sunday, December 06, 2009
Subject: Tank

Here is a picture of Tank with his older sister Mei Lingh a 16 yo Pekineses Tank’s dam is Allie and his sire is Neil he turned 4 on October 13th, 2009 and he is just the best dog . He has lots of friends.

Thank you again for such a great animal.
Jim A.

From: “James A
Sent: Sunday, March 22, 2009
Subject: Jim & Tank in NY

Good morning Mrs Wagner and Staff
Once again thank you for such an amazing animal. He is by far the best dog I have ever had, and he is a favorite at the dog parks and on the street. Attached are pictures of Tank in the park by our apartment after a heavy snow in February. The Sun was setting and it cast a pink hue onto Tank.

To: Fredericka Wagner
Sent: Sunday, August 12, 2007
Subject: Tank

Good Morning Fredericka and family,
I wanted to write and give you an update on our big boy, and send you some other pictures I found.

The first picture is on the way home from Flying W Farms. He laid on my chest for the first 4 hours then on Justine’s chest, or hung out with Baxter. Baxter passed almost a year ago and we miss him.

the second (1 year old) is sitting on the stairs that lead to our yard. He sits there like that and just watches everything.

We recently discovered a beach we can go to and he hasn’t actually swam yet but he wades into it. I guess he likes it it will just take some time.

He still loves to play fetch and soccer (14″ jolly ball) he will play until he can’t stand anymore. Will send photos.

He’s very smart when he wants to go out he bites the door nobs. You warned me his mother could open doors. he listens well and is very obedient.He is playful with other dogs, loves kids. Anyway heading out to take him to the park for some play time I will send you more pictures as I get them


A dog laying on the ground with its tongue hanging out.
February 5, 2007

To: Fredericka Wagner
Sent: Friday, June 22, 2007
Subject: tank

Good morning Fredericka,
Here is tank from Feb 5th of 2007, it was during a heat wave here and we were at his favorite park and dog run. He has many friends there including 2 english mastiff, a Canne Corso, and lots of pits and samller dogs andy way he is the smartest dog i have ever known so easy to train and a big mushy love
he is a super star where ever we go.

he is now 20 months old, is 210 lbs takes up 2/3rds of the couch when he lays in front of it (heehee) he really is a wonderful animal

Thank you for such and amazing and wonderful boy