Murphy P
Kady and Rufus Born 1-23-05
Subject: Fw: My heart. My Murphy from Rufus and Kady
Date: Sat, 27 Jul 2013
From: Michelle
To: Fredericka Wagner
Hi Fredericka and Lucy!!
Wanted to send you a photo of my baby Murphy!! HE is the reason I started the American Mastiff Family website, forum and facebook page!! He is absolutely my “heart” dog!!!!!! LOOOVE him beyond words!! He’s now 8.5 years and is in PERFECT health at 211 pounds!!! Never, ever been sick one day in his entire life!!!!! He is the sweetest and most loving boy!!
I honestly cannot even begin to thank you enough for my boy!! Besides my two children… he is the BEST thing that’s ever come into my life!!!
As ALWAYS… please feel free to post/print any photos, emails, letters that I send to you!
American Mastiff Family Website and Forum

Date: Fri, 02 Nov 2012
From: Michelle P
To: Fredericka Wagner
A photo of my boy Murphy taking a nap on my bed. 🙂 (mom and dad kady and rufus born 1.23.05)

Hi Fredericka and Lucy!
I know you don’t use Facebook… so I wanted to share my latest post with you (along with a photo of my beautiful Murphy)!!
“This is the “Face” of the American Mastiff Family website and forum…. my AM, boy, Murphy. Murphy was born 1. 23. 2005 at Flying W Farms (parents Kady and Rufus), and will be 8 in a couple months. He was awarded his CGC (Canine Good Citizenship) and is a Certified Therapy Dog. He is my pride and joy. Can’t thank Fredericka enough for creating such a fantastic family pet! Thanks to all the AMBC-Approved breeders for all they do to keep this breed so tightly regulated and for ensuring that us owners can have the best possible family pet! 🙂 “
American Mastiff Family Website and Forum

Subject: Murphy (parents Kady and Rufus) born 1.23.2005
Date: Fri, 29 Jun 2012
Hi Fredericka and Lucy…
Just wanted to give you a quickie update on Murphy. He’s now 7-1/2-years old and weighs 211 pounds. He’s doing very, very well and is the love of my life. 🙂
Here’s a photo of Murphy and my little grandson, Riley James (my son’s little boy). This was taken a couple months ago when Riley was about 15 months old. As you can see, Murphy is the epitome of the American Mastiff gentle giant! 🙂
Hope you and your families and all the dogs and puppies and horses are doing wonderfully!
Have a wonderful holiday!

Fredericka and Lucy…
Just wanted to send a couple photos of my wonderful Murphy with my 14-month-old grandson, Riley, taken just 2 weeks ago. Once I have some time to upload the rest of my photos, I’ll send you more. Just wanted to share what a WONDERFUL and GENTLE boy my Murph is. 🙂
Again… thank you both for all you do for this fantastic breed!

Sent: Saturday, January 22, 2011
Subject: Murphy (born 1/23/2005 Kady and Rufus)
Dear Fredericka and Lucy….
This letter is waaaaaay overdue, and I sincerely apologize. Today is my boy, Murphy’s, 6th birthday. I just cannot believe how fast time has gone by. Murphy was born on January 23, 2005 to Kady and Rufus. I remember like it was yesterday when Fredericka sent me “THE” email along with a couple of photos of the Kady with her puppies telling me that my boy was born. I was nothing less than completely ecstatic!! I still have that email, along with every email that we exchanged while I checked in with you each month while we awaited for my boy to be born. J
I’ve enclosed MANY photos of Murphy because I just couldn’t narrow it down to a few. LOL I do want to point out that all the photos from last summer/early fall were taken when the temperatures were close to 100 degrees with almost 100% humidity. Notice… NO DROOL at all! J Even though my two AM boys don’t drool AT ALL, I know there are some variations within the AM community, as within all breeds. On average… AMs drool less than their EM cousins. I know this first-hand… as my EM boy drooled like a faucet! I even have a photo of a slinger on the ceiling… but I loved him very much anyway!
In addition to my wonderful Murphy that I got from you Fredericka, the black brindle boy in some of the photos is my American Mastiff boy, Brody (from Orion Farms), whom I adopted in April 2010, when his original family was no longer able to care for him. Murphy and Brody have been fast friends since we brought Brody home at 6 months of age in April 2010. . Murphy also had three additional adopted siblings since he was about 16 months old (an epileptic German Shepherd mix and two English Mastiffs, all from rescues). Unfortunately, two have since passed. Because of Murphy’s AWESOME and loving temperament and gentleness…. it was ALWAYS easy to introduce a new dog to our home. J
Sorry to keep bragging about my sweet boy… but I can’t help it. LOL As you also know, Murphy was awarded his CGC (Canine Good Citizenship award) and passed his Therapy Dog test through Therapy Dogs International, Inc., when he was barely one year old. We have visited retirement homes, mental health facilities and two homeless shelters (some photos of Murphy visiting a retirement home are on Fredericka’s website).
Fredericka… as I mentioned… Murphy turns 6 years old today, January 23. I have to say that, in the entire time he’s been my boy (since March 2005), he has NEVER, EVER been sick even one day in his life!! Not even a single ear infection! Not a single urinary tract infection! Nothing!! Never had ANY health issues!! He’s perfectly healthy!! J
Fredericka, I can never, ever thank you enough for my boy Murphy!!! He is THE sweetest, most loving, even temperamented, gentle, faithful, loyal boy ever!!! He is absolutely my best friend and my pride and joy. As weird as it sounds… he just “knows” me.… and I know him. I just can’t even imagine a day without him… ever!!! I wish I could stop time. I don’t want him to age anymore. I want him with me forever!
Fredericka… I don’t know if I ever told you how I found you and the American Mastiff. I narrowed down my dog breed choice in 2004 to two breeds (English Mastiff and Great Dane), when I was Googling English Mastiff breeders. It was because of the negative stuff I found posted on certain breed sites that I decided to check out the American Mastiffs for myself. Once I found your site and read EACH and EVERY one of the 250+ letters from your puppy owners on your site… I was completely sold on the American Mastiff….. and have never looked back!! J
I know this letter was extremely long (soooo sorry)… but I will tell you that, without doubt, the American Mastiff IS the BEST breed ever… and will ALWAYS be THE breed for me!! I can’t thank you enough Fredericka for creating such an awesome and loving and truly the best “gentle giant” around!! I will ALWAYS love the AM and respect the completely responsible AMBC breeders that do all that you all do to give us families the BEST dog possible!!!
Very truly yours,

Annie is a German Shepard Mix

Maggie (right) English Mastiff

Date: Saturday, April 28, 2007
Subject: Murphy
Hi Fredericka!
I hope everything is going well with you, your family, and all your wonderful pups!! I always look at your website to see all the pups and their families, and…. to be honest…. I keep hoping to see some of Murphy’s pictures on your site. I am SOOO incredibly proud of him and he’s just the love of my life!! I actually sent you pictures and an email back in January bragging about how wonderful my boy is! LOL I just wondered if you received them. If not, I can certainly resend. Let me know.
Warning (shameless bragging ahead):
He’s now just over two years old and is just fantastic! He is just so gentle and loving! He is very much Annie’s protector (my little epileptic GS mix). As I mentioned in my last email, anytime she has a seizure, HE is the one who alerts me EVERY time! Even if she makes a weird noise, he always goes to check on her without fail! He is SOOO awesome! His wonderful temperament, gentle, loving and caring nature with everything 2-legged and 4-legged makes him the perfect Therapy Dog. I can go on and on, but this email would be pages long! LOL
I sincerely hope you continue breeding these wonderful pups. Maybe in the not-too-distant future, I’ll be contacting you again to get back on your list!
Thank you again Fredericka! …..especially for my Murphy!
Michelle Parlier
Date: Mon, 22 Jan 2007
From: Michelle
Subject: Murphy
January 22, 2007
Hi Fredericka
On the Eve of Murphy’s second birthday, I thought I’d write to let you know how Murphy is doing. I did write before, but I think my email was one of the ones lost in your computer crash.
I am extremely proud to report that Murphy passed the AKC Canine
Good Citizenship Test and he is also a Certified Therapy Dog!
Murphy is a favorite everywhere we go! Whether we go for a walk around the neighborhood, to dog school or the local PetSmart or Petco, he always attracts attention. If I have to get supplies from our local PetSmart or Petco and I’m in a hurry, I cannot bring Murphy because going to PetSmart or Petco with Murphy is a guaranteed two-hour trip! I can’t even walk down the first isle without at least one person stopping me to ask all about him, wanting to meet and pet him, and to tell me what an absolutely beautiful, sweet, gentle and friendly dog he is! Here’s another example of what a wonderful breed the American Mastiff is: In May, we adopted a two-year-old German Shepherd mix from a rescue whom we named Annie. Annie has epilepsy. It’s Murphy who alerts me to Annie’s seizures… EVERY time! A few weeks ago, we adopted another rescue, Maggie, a 14-month-old English Mastiff. Murphy has taken on the role of big brother.
I just want to thank you for creating what I consider to be the best breed ever — the American Mastiff! These dogs are so incredible! I can’t imagine my life without Murphy! I love him to death! He is so smart, so lovable, so loyal, and a wonderful friend! I have enclosed some pictures of Murphy. I will definitely try to update more often.
Thanks again Fredericka!!! : )