Jake M
Psychiatric Service Dog

Son of Duke & Jenna Born February 11, 2007

Subject: Jake M turns 6
Date: Tue, 5 Feb 2013
From: Dennis M
To: Flying W Farms, Inc.

Hello Flying W Farms.

Next week Jake turns six, we have loved and cherished every day we have been lucky enough to have him as a member of our family. If anyone ever had a doubt of is this dog to big, are they to much to handle, the answer is no. The breed is sweet and loving and kind. Every now and again Jake goes on vacation, (we board him when we must be apart) and I do not think a higher complement could be given to a dog from a kennel then the one I have been given by not one but two different kennels. (different states) As a responsible parent I give the kennel our travel arrangements and a list of potential visitors for Jake. But the most important piece of data I give them is who they should call if we fail to show up on our pick up day. As that would mean we have died. Both kennels told me not to worry, there would be a fight over who got to take your dog home and keep him. Everyone here loves him. What do you say to that? They have to deal with dogs every day, and more than one person says your dog is the dog we would like to have “the owners not show upâ€. No they wish us no harm, but should that happen no worries about your dog, he will be well taken care of. Hoping all is well and the dogs are doing great. Thank you again for such a wonderful breed.

Dennis & Patti M

A dog standing in the grass at night.
A dog is standing in the grass with smoke coming from its mouth.
A large black dog standing in the grass.

Sent: Saturday, February 26, 2011
Subject: Re: Jake M

Fredericka & Bob,

It has been four years now and we could not be any happier with Jake. The picture you have posted up right now is when he posed for a book by Jonathan Mayberry. It came out in Sep 2009. He is on page 141. This is the pic that was used in the book

The second pic is the three of us, Jonathan, Jake and myself. Jake is much larger now he has added a few inches to his height and a handful of pounds of muscle to his frame.

We moved to SC this fall and lived near a mall for a few months walking Jake through the mall every day we became very adept at answering the questions: Name, Weight, Height, friendly, Breeder, can we pet him. I love getting him out and the response we always get.

As always wishing you the best and hoping to see the breed do well.

The last pic is this Christmas at Myrtle beach (first time at the ocean for him)

Dennis & Patti M.

Sent: Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Subject: Jake M

Fredericka & Bob,
Patti & I can not say enough about how great your dogs are.I have had Jake trained as a Psychiatric Service Dogs and he took to it so fast it was perfect fit. . The breed is perfect for PTSD service dogs as they are so loving yet physically intimidating without being aggressive or mean. This lets the handler “feel” much safer in their environment. I tell you, for me, when I am out with Jake he is a joy to be with, people love him, yet all keep their distance till asking me if it is ok to approach.
Hope you like “Jake’s Birthday” letter.

Wishing you all the best.

Operations Specialist
US Army

Jake M: born 11 Feb 2007,

Son of Duke and Jenna, 21LBS at 8weeks,

Well this is my second birthday and things couldn’t be better. I have surpassed the 200 lbs mark. I am such a big boy, and I am so well behaved everyone loves me. Patti and Dennis brought me a Duck. That is my favorite toy and for some reason the squeaker stops making noise and has to be fixed every few weeks. The Duck is down to 1 wing but I still love it.

Every place I go people seem surprised on how big I am. They all think my name is “H— S—â€. Or they all want me to own a saddle. I seem to get that a lot and people staring, I do not know why, I am not that big.

Patti is now used to having a dog in the house and realizes that she could not live without me and doesn’t know how she lived without a dog (well, me that is) in the past.

Apparently not only am I good looking I am smart also, I got to go to school for Public Access training so now I am a Psychiatric Service Dog, not sure what that is but I get to go to more places now like hospitals, restaurants and other places Dennis takes me. With this new training I got a vest and saddle bags for equipment for mine and Dennis stuff so I guess all those people were right.

That is fun but what I really like best is doing my job of protecting the house, eating my food and treats, keeping the neighbors cats away and generally being the best most lovable part of the family. Tell my sisters, mom and dad I said hello, and I am doing fine. . I hope they visit me, tell them to bring treats. I like all kinds but I think I am supposed to have the natural snacks that will keep me healthy and let me live long.

The best dog Ever,


A dog is laying in the grass with a stick.

Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Subject: Jake

Still more than happy with Jake. He took to the house without an issue. We didn’t need to do much at all in the way of potty training. He knows when we take him down to bed that that is what its for, Bedtime. No crying or barking. Now that is not to say he is quiet. He has found his voice and feels free to use it. He is learning the standard stuff Sit, down, stay. and goes to “school” in July along with Patti &I. He is still healthy and happy and is always willing to show us he is happy we are around.

He has steadily gained weight and looks great. He has learned how far the yard is and will not leave it.

He has been great, if all your dogs are this good I can only see the breed becoming more and more popular

Dennis M.