EmmaEmma H

Neil & Moonbeam

A dog sitting on the floor in front of a table.
11 Months Old
A dog laying in the grass near a tree.
Emma 5 months old
A woman sitting on the floor with her dog.
Emma 10 weeks old

Hi Fredericka – regrets for not sending an update sooner.. amazing how the time goes. Emma (Moonbeam x Neil Apr’06) is just shy of 11months old and knocking on 140lbs. My guess is she will be bigger than her momma but not as huge as dad – funny how quickly a sense of “big” adjusts. The flights for Emma and I back to Calgary were long but she was a trooper. I am glad I brought a refillable water bottle as it was a warm day and the largestcarryon allowed was barely adequate. Found an great little spot tucked away in the OH airport so she could get out and stretch without creating (too much of) a scene. Customs in Toronto was surprisingly easy thanks to the paperwork you provided. Scenes are something we have gotten used to.. we try and take her as many places as allowed and without fail she turns heads or gathers a small crowd – the kids really love her and she is always a lady. Emma took to the puppy classes and subsequent training really well.

Hands down her favorite things are being around us, sleeping and going for walks in the tall grass and trees around our home. I was a little worried about the cold weather here but she seems to enjoy all 4 seasons. Nothing like watching our big girl explore the world around her.. the deeper the snow or taller the grass the better! We love having that goofy dog in our lives and wouldn’t change a thing about her. Thank you so much for breeding and sharing such amazing companions.

The Hughes Family