Emma 01Emma O. 01

Daughter of Rufus x Gretle Born May 19. 2005

May 2011

Dear Fredericka,
I have forwarded pictures of Emma she is daughter of Gretle and I forgot dads name right now. Emma is doing great she will be 6yrs old next month May 19th. She weighs 170lbs and 30in at shoulder. She is awesome as u can see she is enjoying her time in bed with us and lounging pool side ! Please. Post any of the pics u want ! Thanks again

Ana O.

A dog laying on the ground with its head up.

Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Subject: Re: EMMA

Fredericka, emma is now almost 5yrs old ! She is doing wonderful. She is 160lbs and thinks she is a lap dog. She is my constent companion! She is a love and my protector. We just love her!

Thanks, Ana

Sent: Sunday, January 10, 2010
Subject: fawn female, EMMA

Here is Emma at almost 5yr old soon. Born May 19th of 2005. She is doing great. She is my baby still at 160lbs. I will add more pics.

Thanks Ana

A large dog standing on top of a wooden floor.

From: Ana
Sent: Thursday, June 14, 2007

Dear Fredericka,

Hope all is well. Just a small note to let you know how Emma was doing. She is now 2 years old and 150lbs and 30 in at the shoulder. She is a beautiful girl. Everywhere we go with her she gets loads of attention. She is such a great dog we just love her so much. Her favorite place is the love seat, which she occupies most of! I have a friend who should be calling you soon for a puppy, I have raved about how wonderful Emma is to them and they are hoping to call you soon. She truly is just great, she will sit outside for hours watching (guarding) the kids as they play and back to my side once her mission is complete and kids are back inside. She is a great companion to our little Shitzu Snowball, they play all the time. The other day she accidentally made Snowball whimper and she felt so bad she just didn’t know how to make it up to her. She kept laying her big old head on top of her and licking her on the nose, it was so cute to actually see her apologize.

I have attached a picture of Emma for you to see I hope it is small enough for your website.

Thanks Again