
Sent: Monday, November 17, 2008
Subject: Dublin update
Greetings! Hope all is well at the farm. Just wanted to send you an update on our wonderful Dublin (Nigel & Marsha, born 2/22/07). Dublin is almost 21 months now and is doing great! He has had a companion since March of this year. She is a wonderful Great Pyrenees named Bailey. The two are inseparable and about as compatible as can be. Bailey is double jointed which really comes in handy while wrestling with the “big fella.”
Dublin goes out front and gets the paper every morning and is proud as a peacock! This weekend we traveled for our son’s college football game and our neighbor watched “the kids.” Dublin got the paper Sunday morning and refused to give it to him. He stashed it by the fireplace still in its plastic wrap. He waited until we returned Sunday, ran to get get “his” paper and proudly displayed his achievement to us (even though we see him do it every day). We could not have asked for a more loving and wonderful character.
He’s quite the boy. The Pyrenees will try to take the paper from him when he comes in,
but he will not let anything get in his way of showing Claudia that he got the paper. If she is still sleeping, he will sit by our bedroom door until I open it, just so he can run in to show her. Then, and only then, will he willingly give it up so I can actually read it (as you can imagine, if it is not wrapped in plastic, I sometimes miss a story or two on the front page!)
I have included a few photos so that you can see how wonderful he is.
Thanks again for your dedication to this wonderful breed.
Dan & Claudia

To: Flying W Farms
Sent: Monday, July 02, 2007 1:20 PM
Subject: dublin
Greetings! Just a quick update on Dublin (born 2/22/07 to Marsha & Nigel). He is doing well and thriving. He’s not crazy about our current temperatures (112-116), but neither are we! He’s just shy of four months in these photos and weighed about 70 lbs. Now at 4 months and a week, he tips the scale at 80lbs! We are so looking forward to getting him to our new home, so he can have his own big yard (He loves to sit and watch the birds!) Take care and thanks once again for our Dublin. Dan & Claudia

To: Flying W Farms
Sent: Tuesday, May 08, 2007
Subject: DUBLIN
Just a quick update (and photos). We finally settled on a name. As much as I liked “Blarney”, the family consensus was ultimately “Dublin”. So Dublin is now almost 11 weeks and just weighed in at 37.5 lbs. He is doing great. He loves all the neighborhood kids and even likes to play with the little dogs next door. We are trying hard to finish up our other house so he can have his own big grassy yard (but he’s doing well with the front yard for now). Here are a couple photos of the “little” fella. Thanks again & take care. Dan & Claudia