Dozer M

Sent: Monday, June 11, 2007
Hello Fredericka,
We purchased our pup two years ago in May from you. He is the long haired fluff from Lucy. His name is Dozer. We wanted to send you some pictures of him and let you know of his progress..
We want you to know that he is a real joy in our lives and a very important part of our family. He is the most magnificent pet we have ever owned. We get comments from people all the time on how beautiful he is. People stop us and want to take pictures of him with their families. Then all the questions are ask such as what breed he is and where we got him and such. He is quite the watch dog also. Very protective of our grandchildren. What a personality!!!!! And very, very spoiled. He has his very own couch and has his own bedroom although he sleeps on the floor beside my husband. He runs to the door when we mention going swimming (He has his own little pool also).
I hope you enjoy looking at the pictures as much as we enjoy taking them.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank M.