
Two dogs sitting on the stairs of a house.
Two dogs sitting on the stairs of a house.
Two dogs sitting on the stairs of a house.


Well Barrack is still growing! These pics were taken when he was about 18 mths old and he is standing quite a distance away from me so looks a lot smaller than he really is. He is an absolute lover of a dog and we use his ears as therapy. If you are tense or stressed nothing lowers your blood pressure like stroking the silky warm ears of your American Mastiff! I ride Arabians in endurance events and Barrack travels to the ridecamps with us on the weekends and the standard line is, “are you riding him the 25mile or 50 mile?” Despite his giant size he is truly the most affectionate, loving dog I have ever owned or met.

The vet says he is the best example of a giant breed he has ever seen when it comes to weight, muscle tone and general health.

Thanks you for the opportunity to own a dog of what has to be the best breed ever!
