Molly 02Molly 02 & Magnus

Kristen & Molly

From: Melissa
Sent: Monday, October 14, 2002 1:16 PM
Subject: Molly

I thought I’d e-mail you this picture of how big of a baby Molly has become. Molly and Magnus ride in our minivan with us everywhere, this is where Molly thinks she should ride.. Kristen who is in the picture with her is 7. Molly is 120 pounds now and almost 9 months. Magnus is 115 pounds and just over 10 months. They are both doing great! Everyone who sees them loves them! One of the ladies at our vet wants one from you, she has a bull mastiff right now.



Just wanted to send you an update and tell you how much we love our dogs. We got 2 dogs from you, one male – Magnus and one female -Molly.

About a year after we picked up our first babies (Magnus and Molly) we had twin girls to add to our 2 girls we already had. Our family is quite large now but would never be complete without our biggest babies. The dogs are so protective of the twins and just love them so much, they are just wonderful!

Hope you enjoy the pictures.

David & Melissa S.

Megan, Kristen, Ashley, Audrey,

Magus & Molly