Penny & Nigel November 11, 2003

Sent: Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Subject: American Mastiff Reference
Hello Fredricka!
It is hard to believe that it has been a little over four years ago since we came up and picked our MacKenzie up and brought her home. Time certainly flies doesn’t it. MacKenzie aka Mac we call her was from Penny & Nigel November 11, 2003 litter. She has been such a wonderful addition to our family we can’t imagain life with out her. She has brought such love and joy to our lives! everyone that mets her falls in love with her.
We hope you will post her picture! Thanks, Steve and Timberly
Subject: Mackenzie
Date: Sun, 26 Jul 2015
Hello, We hope this finds you doing well. We wanted to let you know with sad hearts that our beloved MacKenzie aka Miss Mac passed away July 21, 2015. Our hearts are broken, we were so blessed to have her for 11 1/2 years. She was born November 2003, her parents were Nigel and Penny. We included Miss Mac in everything we did and every where we went. She loved to travel with us or just relax here at home. Our daughters are all grown and gone now but they continued to call her their little sister. She filled our hearts and lives with such love and joy! It was the three of us, Miss Mac, Steve and I, the past few years and our world rotated around her. Neither of us have felt such a void or the pain her death left we have cried until we thought we could cry no more and laughed at all the wonderful memories she leaves with us. There is nothing we do that we don’t have a million memories of her with us doing … Thank you so much for this wonderful breed, and for trusting us to care , love and raise one of your puppies 11 1/2 years ago. Everyone that met her fell in love with her and she them. Some sweet day we will be blessed to see her again at the Rainbow Bridge and cross over it together.
Everyone is asking if we are going to get another Mastiff and we said we didn’t know if you are still having litters now and what the adoption rules were now? We both agree we don’t want any other breed besides an American Mastiff please let us know if you are still having litters now and if so can you send us the adoption agreement rules.
Thank you again for trusting us to raise one wonderful American Mastiff who stole our hearts for ever! we look forward in hearing from you.
Smiles Always~ Timberly & Steve
I believe in Angels~ When there is nothing left but God, that is when you find out that God is all you need
Subject: THANK YOU
Date: Tue, 28 Jul 2015
Fredericka / Flying W,
I know that Timberly has written you about the passing of MacKenzie (Mac). I just wanted to write you too and Thank You for the most wonderful 11 1/2 years of our lives!! On July 21. 2015 Mac got her angel wings!! She gave us so many memories that we will cherish forever!!! She was at home with me and God only knows that our world fell apart that afternoon!!! You gave us the honor and privilege to be her care-taker, provider, and protector and we THANK YOU for that HONOR & PRIVILAGE! We pray every day that we that we did our job. I am 57 years old and NOTHING but Mac and Timberly has ever gotten in my heart the way they have!!! Again, just wanted to Thank You for the great honor and privilege that you gave us!! She will always have my heart and I will carry her with me forever! Thank all of you again!!!
Steve M.